
Since Medieval Times horses have been considered the symbol of Love and Passion, a knight that met a lady of his heart being in a saddle looked manfully but at the same time romantic. Even if these times have been already in the past, the magic of these amazing animals unites loving hearts all over the world to this day. A horseback riding with a beloved person is not only the way of expressing your feelings, but also adrenaline, excitement, wind in the hair and incomparable senses of flight and freedom, that have been almost forgotten in our automobile century.
The nature breathing with freedom and peace, fresh , soaked with life air and leisurely scuffle of horseshoes, quiet “I love you”- all this is only the beginning of your delightful evening, just a prelude to the most important –a romantic supper for two people in love.
Beautifully served table with tasty snacks and fruits, pleasant glimmering of candles and a quiet whisper of romantic music will turn your evening into a real fairy tale full of magic and harmony, tasty champagne and the most delicate sweets that will fill these moments with sparkling , tart-sweet taste of happiness….To make this evening pleasant for oyu for a long time with nic recollections of the happiest moments, we’ll organize for you a professional photo shooting –a bright reminder of your amazing horseback riding.
Not everyone is able to see that horses do have wings, but it’s within the strength of people in love.